- To begin using WooShipping, you will need to purchase a subscription. If you’ve not done that yet, click here to begin the process.
- After purchasing your subscription, you will download the plugin as a zip file.
- Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Plugins -> Add New.
- Click on ‘Upload Plugin’ and select the zip file you just downloaded. Click ‘Install Now’.
- Once the installation completes, activate the plugin.
- Now that the plugin has been installed and activated, you must verify your WooShipping subscription credentials. Check the notification at the top of the page or hover over ‘Settings’ and click ‘WooShipping Activation’.
- Once you have entered your WooShipping credentials and clicked ‘Save’, you are ready to start shipping with WooShipping!
- Configure WooShipping by accessing the settings panel via WooCommerce -> Settings -> Shipping -> DHL.
- You will need to complete the DHL Account Credentials section of the settings panel. Click here to sign in to your DHL account. If you don’t have an account, you can click here to create one.
WooShipping Installation2017-11-03T12:50:42-06:00